Browse Items (3 total)

Bonkalo, T., Makeeva, V., Tsygankova, M., Rybakova, A., Aralova, E., & Plekhanova, E. (2022). Public attitudes to esports development based on the survey of university students and sports psychologists. Revista Conrado, 18(87), 346-351.

Bonkalo, T., Makeeva, V., Tsygankova, M., Rybakova, A., Aralova, E., & Plekhanova, E. (2022). Public attitudes to esports development based on the survey of university students and sports psychologists. Revista Conrado, 18(87), 346-351.

Terranova, C. D. (2022). Perceived Impact of Collegiate Esports on Students and the College (Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University (Delaware)).
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